Creativity, Culture and Courage 2018


Creativity, Culture and Courage 2018

7th December 2018
Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow

A celebration of integrated partnership working, showcasing exemplar projects from across Scotland, with over 240 delegates from across health and social care, including partner organisations.

Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, keynote speaker.

Jeane Freeman, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, in conversation with Ron Culley, Chief Officer Western Isles HSCP.

Launch of Health and Social Care Scotland by David Williams, Chair of Health and Social Care Scotland Chief Officer Group and Chief Officer Glasgow City HSCP.

Integration in Action workshops showcasing examples of transformation from 11 HSCPs and celebrating Creativity, Culture and Courage - the spirit and principles behind integration and the characteristics that we all strive to bring as we lead health and social care services in Scotland.

Afternoon speakers (and Q&A panel participants) deliberating on the future direction of our services:

  • David Williams (Chair, Health and Social Care Scotland Chief Officer Group)
  • Claire Sweeney (Audit Director, Audit Scotland)
  • Peter Murray (Chair, Health and Social Care Scotland IJB Chair and Vice Chair Group)
  • Paul Gray (DG, Health and Social Care, Scottish Government and CE, NHS Health Scotland)
  • Sally Loudon (CE, COSLA)

Download Creativity, Culture and Courage resources below:

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