Executive Group

Executive Group - Caroline Cameron

Caroline Cameron

Caroline Cameron

Treasurer of the Chief Officers Group

Chief Officer - North Ayrshire

Caroline started her career as an accountant with Argyll and Bute Council.

She joined North Ayrshire HSCP as our Chief Finance and Transformation Officer in July 2018 from Argyll and Bute Council where she was employed as a Principal Accountant supporting a range of council services and latterly was the Chief Finance Officer for the IJB.   Caroline brought with her a wealth of knowledge and experience on the integration of health and social care as she played a key role in the establishment of their Integration Joint Board, including establishing governance and financial management arrangements.

The role of Chief Finance and Transformation Officer in North Ayrshire IJB was a new dedicated CFO role including transformation and during the two year period in post the service grew and expanded to include a range of support services including Finance, Commissioning, Service Planning and Performance.

In December 2020, Caroline was appointed as Director of NAHSCP and Chief Officer for the Integration Joint Board.

Caroline lives in Argyll and Bute, in Dunoon and is married, with 2 young sons aged 10 and 15.