Donations of PPE and other supplies

Donations of PPE and other supplies

Donations of PPE and other supplies

29th April 2020


The groundswell of public support for those working across our health and social care system responding to the COVID-19 pandemic has been phenomenal. There’s no doubt that communities, voluntary groups, businesses and individuals want to do their bit to try to help. Many businesses are looking at how they can use their existing expertise to produce supplies of things they are hearing are much-needed in the system – including Personal Protective Equipment, scrubs etc. Community groups and others have been hugely innovative in looking at how they can use their skills to help this effort too.

Clearly, any supplies accepted into use across the health and social care system, and for wider key workers, must meet certain quality and safety standards. And with so many offers coming forward, it’s important to prioritise those offers first that will contribute to existing stocks the most.

To do this, the Scottish Government has set up a team to respond to these offers. A single point of contact has been created and any business, community or voluntary organisation now wishing to make donations of PPE, scrubs, uniforms and other supplies should be directed to

Guidance is also available to those offering support in this way at:

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