

Lessons learned from reducing delayed discharges and hospital admissi…

On this page you will be able to access a range of publications and reports:

  • Emergent good practice aligned to the framework for community health and social care integrated services
  • Resources from our annual conferences
  • Our responses to consultations from Scottish Government and other bodies
  • Our responses to parliamentary committee calls for evidence
  • Reports about health and social care integration (including leadership)
  • Our newsletter, Integration Collaboration Transformation
Consultation responses

Our responses to consultations are the collective views of chief officers to health and social care policy matters, including related topics such as housing.

Lessons learned from reducing delayed discharges and hospital admissions

Framework for Community Health and Social Care Integrated Services
Calls for evidence

Parliamentary committees within Scottish Parliament will issue calls for evidence on specific topics. Our responses are the collective views of chief officers across Scotland.

Lessons learned from reducing delayed discharges and hospital admissions