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Chief Officers
National Care Service
HSCScotland Sitemap
Executive Group
Jillian Galloway
Nick Fayers
Alison White
Soumen Sengupta
Caroline Cameron
Julie Murray
Support Team
Christine Jack
Paul Welsh
Lorna Kelly
Ruth Gottardi
Chief Officers
Vicky Irons
Soumen Sengupta
Nick Fayers
Jackie Kerr
Claire Rae
Morag Barrow
Beth Culshaw
Tim Eltringham
Judith Proctor (interim)
Chris Myers
Christine Laverty
Jacquie Pepper
Stephen Brown
Caroline Cameron
Jo Robinson (interim)
Alison White
Kate Rocks
Pamela Cremin (Interim)
Fiona McKay (interim)
Gail Woodcock
Pat Togher
Julie Murray
Fiona Wilson
Derrick Pearce (interim)
Craig McArthur
Nicole Hamlet (interim)
David Williams (interim)
Evan Beswick
Jillian Galloway
Pamela Milliken
Fiona Mitchelhill
East Renfrewshire
Argyll and Bute
Clackmannanshire and Stirling
Dumfries and Galloway
Dundee City
East Ayrshire
East Dunbartonshire
East Lothian
Edinburgh City
Glasgow City
North Ayrshire
North Lanarkshire
Perth & Kinross
Scottish Borders
South Ayrshire
South Lanarkshire
West Dunbartonshire
Western Isles
West Lothian
Aberdeen City
National Care Service Consultation Response - Chief Officers Group
Strategic Commissioning Plan, Annual Performance Report and Audited Annual Accounts 2021-2022
Strategic Commissioning Plan, Annual Performance Report and Audited Annual Accounts 2020-2021
Delayed Discharge and the Impact of the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000
Joint protocol for the provision of children’s equipment (including provision within schools) - good practice example
Providing community equipment to prisons
Planning discharge from hospital: A guide to providing community equipment
Proposed change to delayed discharge information reporting_10 February 2021_Scottish Government
2019-20 Integration Authority Strategic Commissioning Plans, Annual Performance Reports and Annual Accounts
Leadership and compassion across health and social care by Allison Trimble
Workshop: Human rights based approach to supporting those with complex needs, learning disability and autisrm
Workshop: Enabling collaborative leadership through self-managing teams
Workshop: Making life easier: digital tech, innovation and co-production
Workshop: Islands of innovation: embracing new ways and new roles
Workshop: The Good Life Group - training that changes lives
Workshop: Let's talk about ... thinking differently
Workshop: Person-led approaches to sustainable transformation
Workshop: Wellbeing and recovery college
Workshop: Distress brief intervention: building connected compassionate support
Workshop: Building a better future for mental health
Workshop: Edinburgh's story - three conversations
Is primary care the 'canary in a coal mine' of our health and social care system?
Lessons learned from reducing delayed discharges and hospital admissions
COVID-19: Information and Guidance for Social or Community Care & Residential Settings
Framework for Community Health and Social Care Integrated Services
Emergent good practice 1: Introduction
Emergent good practice 2: Promoting healthy independent living
Emergent good practice 3: Working more effectively
Emergent good practice 4: Accessible responsive services
Statement of Intent: Future Collaborative Conversations
Discharge planning - involving carers
Discharge planning - adults with incapacity
Ministerial Strategic Group for Health and Community Care - Review of Progress with Integration of Health and Social Care - Final Report
Keynote speech by Rt Hon Nicola Sturgeon MSP
Creativity, Culture and Courage conference - Scotland's Voices Video
Creativity, Culture and Courage event newsletter Dec 18
Telehealth - Using digital technology to improve everyday lives SouthLanarkshire
Strengths-Based Practice & Family Group Decision Making in Edinburgh
Squaring the Circle in Argyll & Bute
Midlothian Wellbeing Service in Primary Care-Beyond Medicine
Inter-Agency Housing First Development in Glasgow
Engaging with Carers as Partners in Care in Dumfries & Galloway
East Renfrewshires Family Wellbeing Service
Developing The Angus Care Model
Compassionate Inverclyde Evaluation
HSCS Newsletter Dec 18
Audit Scotland Health and Social Care Integration Update on Progress (November 2018)
Leading across Health and Social care in Scotland – Learning from Chief Officers Experiences, Planning Next Steps (The King’s Fund, June 2018)
Health and Care (Scotland) (Staffing) Bill (August 2018)
NHS 24 Draft Strategy (February 2017)
National Workforce Planning Discussion Document (March 2017)
Safe and Effective Staffing in Health and Social Care (July 2017)
Role of the Scottish Health Council (October 2017)
To support further engagement on Safe and Effective Staffing in Health and Social Care (February 2018)
Integrated care roundtable 4: Outcomes for wellbeing and health equity
Integrated care roundtable 3: Developing a workforce fit for the future
Integrated care roundtable 2: Models of Governance and Accountability: What works?
Integrated care roundtable 1: Creating Capacity for Care at Home First
Let's discuss mental health in primary care
Primary care, taking the next steps in a COVID world: virtual workshops
Galvanising the full capacity and capabilities of partnership working: joint session with NHS National Services Scotland
Workforce, resources and adult social care reform: joint session with SWS
Thinking ahead with Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland and John Scott QC
Collaboration, Compassion and Ambition 2019
Chief Officer Group AGM
Care home closures - learning event
Reflections on Audit Scotland report: joint session with SWS
Creativity, Culture and Courage 2018
Integration Authorities Budget Information for 2023-24
Integration Authorities Budget Information for 2022-23
National Adult Support and Protection Day 2022
Emerging and embedded good practice
Power of Attorney
National Wellbeing Hub (wellbeinghub.scot)
Near me
Power of Attorney
The Herbert Protocol - safe and found
Donations of PPE and other supplies
HSCS newsletter: March 2019
Creativity, Culture and Courage conference newsletter Dec 18
HSCS newsletter: December 18
Creativity, Culture and Courage Media Statement
Chief Officer Statement - Audit Scotland Report
Blog from Lorna Kelly our new National Strategic Lead for Primary Care at Health and Social Care Scotland
The Future’s Bright, The Future’s Integrated | from Vicky Irons
Toughest shift yet by Vicky Irons
Statement of Intent
Celebrations, Challenges and Connections by Val de Souza
View from the Western Isles
The ripples that reach: conversations to enable change
Flying kites ... in supermarkets by Vivienne Davidson
Collaborative Working for Immediate Care (CWIC) by Peter Murray
Our new Youtube Channel
Spotlight on … Housing First by David Williams
Service Directory
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